
OCFL Object Root Store manipulation script

Output from tests/test_demo_ocfl_store_script.py.

1. Test showing version number.

1.1 Show version number

The --version argument will show version number and exit (but we still tave to specify a root and an action)

> python ocfl-store.py --version --root=tmp/root --list
ocfl-store.py is part of ocfl-py version 1.3.0

2. Test store initialization and object addition.

2.1 Create new store

> python ocfl-store.py --root=tmp/root --init -v
INFO:root:Created OCFL storage root tmp/root

2.2 List empty store

> python ocfl-store.py --root=tmp/root --list -v
INFO:root:Found 0 OCFL Objects under root tmp/root

2.3 Add object

> python ocfl-store.py --root=tmp/root --add --src fixtures/1.0/good-objects/minimal_one_version_one_file --disposition identity -v
INFO:root:Copying from fixtures/1.0/good-objects/minimal_one_version_one_file to tmp/root/ark%3A123%2Fabc

3. Test exploration of a simple OCFL object root.

3.1 List objects

> python ocfl-store.py --root=extra_fixtures/good-storage-roots/simple-root --list
INFO:root:Found 3 OCFL Objects under root extra_fixtures/good-storage-roots/simple-root
http%3A%2F%2Fexample.org%2Fminimal_mixed_digests -- id=http://example.org/minimal_mixed_digests
ark%3A%2F12345%2Fbcd987 -- id=ark:/12345/bcd987
ark%3A123%2Fabc -- id=ark:123/abc

4. Test error cases.

4.1 Create new store

> python ocfl-store.py --root=tmp/root --init -v
INFO:root:Created OCFL storage root tmp/root

4.2 Add object

> python ocfl-store.py --root=tmp/root --add -v
ERROR:root:Must specify object path with --src

(last command exited with return code 1)